REVIVE Organic Herbal ASD Brain Memory and Cognition Support

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  • Regular price $75.00

Hong Ren Shen (RED)  - Powerfully tonifies Yuan Qi, builds blood, tonifies the Spleen/Stomach and calms the Spirit

Huang Qi  – Tonify Qi and Blood, Tonifies Spleen, powerfully raise Yang Qi of Spleen & Stomach

Bai Zhu  – Tonify Qi, dries dampness and aids the Spleen/Stomach in digestion

Fu Ling – Drains phlegm dampness, tonifies Qi, heals and repairs microbiome, calms mind

Yi Yi Ren – Strengthen the Spleen, resolve dampness, clear damp heat (anti-cancer)

Shu Fei Ji (Milk Thistle Seeds) – Detoxify the liver, relieve heat toxins and improve Liver Qi.

Yuan Zhi – Calms the Spirit, Sedates the Heart, Clears Phlegm, Opens Orifices, Opens Communication between the Heart and Kidneys.

Fu Shen  – Drain Dampness, Quiets Heart, Calms the mind

Sheng Jiang - Warms the Middle Jiao, adjusts the Ying & Wei normalizes the flow of Middle.

Da Zao Hong (Red) - Tonifies Qi, Tonifies Blood and Calms the Spirit. 

Chen Pi - Regulates Qi, Dries Dampness and Transforms Phlegm

He Huan Pi  – Calms Spirit, Invigorates and harmonizes Blood, Stops Pain and reconnects sinews and bones.

Ye Jiao Teng  – Nourishes Heart Blood, calms the Spirit, Unblocks channels, dispels wind dampness.

Zhi Ban Xia - Dries Dampness, Transforms Phlegm, descends rebellious Qi, reduces stagnation.

Yu Jin - Curcumin, invigorates blood, dispels blood stasis, clears heat, clears the Heart and Pericardium and opens orifices. 

Zhu Li - Bamboo Juice - Clear phlegm obstruction from the heart and mind.

Dan Shen – Tonify blood, invigorates blood, clears blood stasis, soothes irritability and calms Spirit. 

Gou Qi Zi  – Enriches Liver and Kidney Yin, benefits essence, brightens eyes, moisten Lung Yin.

Shi Chang Pu – Opens orifice, transforms phlegm, awakens Spleen, promotes movement of Qi, Calms mind.

Shu Di Huang – Tonifies the kidney, nourishes liver and kidney yin, nourishes Jing builds blood.

Bacopa – Ayuredic Herb for Memory, calms the mind, improves sleep

Rosemary  – Aromatic herb used in many cultures, improves memory, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer.

Siberian Sea Buckthorn Berries  for fatty acids to nourish the brain and help neurogenesis, anti-inflammatory

Burdock Root – Helps detoxify tissues, liver, brain, and  GI Tract

Androdia Camphorata (Cinnamomea) – Detoxify Liver, Anti-cancer, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-aging

Himalayan Tartary Buckwheat (GLUTEN FREE!) – Detoxifies and supplies the entire complex of organic whole food B-vitamins to nourish ATP and Neurogenesis. 

Mao Yan Mei Vine Tea 10g – Detoxify, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, scavenge free radicals, helps to detox Liver and eliminate toxins. 

Deep sea minerals powders from Oregon 

Aqua New Water, H5O Brown's Gas Water

Organic Sugar Cane Vodka from Hawaii

Organic Coconut Glycerin to support and nourish brain function.